Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Water Diet - Does it Work?

Get the inside scoop from dieters who have tried it.
It's that time again. Summer is here, it's family vacation time, reunions, celebrations, lake house visits, so you know what that means...swimsuit season! Are you ready? Most of us never really are.
We look in the mirror and notice some weight gain. "Okay, I'm going on a diet tomorrow." That's a start, however the main question is "What kind of diet?". That really all depends on you, your body type, what you can tolerate, and what long term results you are looking for.
There's tons of diets out there from Atkins, South Beach, The Zone, Raw Food, Weight Watchers, to Jenny Craig, and the list continues. There is however one particular one that really caught my eye, The Water Diet.
First, I questioned whether or not it was safe. Next my mind immediately wanted to know, "Does it really work?" Sounds too good and too simple to be true. According to some people who have tested this out, it does work but the results vary from person to person.
Let's start with clarifying how the Water Diet works. This particular diet also known as the Cold Water Diet does not limit food consumption, nor does it require exercise. Basically all it consists of is drinking cold water in eight 8-oz. servings over course of the day, with or without meals, in addition to the dieter's normal fluid intake. It is believed that when cold water is ingested, the body burns extra calories because the colder the water, the harder the body works to warm up the water. So the result is your body working to burn more calories all by itself.
Even though there has not been any proven scientific research conducted on this diet, there are testimonials on a few dieters who saw satisfying results. One gentleman lost 50 lbs after 1 year. Another lost 10 lbs within a month. What was their strategy? Drink one glass of water before meals, one during, and one after eating.
Does it matter what kind of water? Yes it does. As with anything, you get what you pay for. Do your research and find out what is in your water (even if it is bottled). There are all types of water these days but be sure to find the one that fits your needs. Modern science and technology has invented ways to add what your body lacks into bottled water find out what your body lacks and nourish it properly.
So does it really work? I guess the only real way to know is to try it out for yourself. Why not? It's pretty simple. No change in eating habits, no need for exercise, no more money to spend, and it's all natural. Just remember to drink cold water and watch the pounds melt away! Don't forget, the colder the better.

How to Get Really Skinny Quick

I'm going to show you how to get really skinny in the shortest time possible. Maybe you have a wedding to attend, or just want to look great for the beach. These tips work without damaging your health. (Because we all know safety first)
1. What you want to do immediately is get into a water diet. Basically just drink water and eat fruits, so you don't pass out.
I also recommend eating oatmeal. This is okay to do short term like for 7 days. Humans are known to survive without eating for more then a month, so 7 days fasting doesn't hurt, especially when you're eating fruits and oatmeal. (consider this detoxing your body)
2. Exercise. When you're on a water diet in conjunction with exercise, you're going to get really skinny like crazy.
What I recommend is just run. You don't need to hit the gym or anything, just put a pair of running shoes and hit the pavement.
Jog for about 45 minutes a day. It may seem long but if you bring an mp3 player time will pass by quick.
3. Have patience. Time is going to pass by anyways, so there is no need to weight yourself in the scale every 5 seconds. Just take it easy and go with your plan. If you do this, don't be surprise if you lose 5-7 pounds in a week.
But if you want to be healthy, just lose 1 pounds per week. If you eat healthy and exercise, that's 52 pounds a year given that you lose 1 per week.

How to Lose Weight Drinking Water

It may sound amazing but with little effort and just pouring a much needed body resource into you every day, you can lose weight fast. The resource - Water.
It may not be wise to state that this is an alternative to regular exercise but what if you could lose weight or at least decrease fat intake just by drinking water. Best still, using a method so easily available. All you need to get started is to turn on the tap.
Are you seeking a weight loss program that offers a cost effective and quick route to fast weight loss? Does that sound like a fat loss program on a daily basis?
One big weight loss secret that many health experts simply do not exaggerate enough is simply how to lose weight drinking water.
Dehydration causes your body to retain excess water which is responsible for many issues with excess weight. This seems to affect man age ranges though mostly men and women in their 30s and 40s, and worse if not corrected for people in their 50s to 70s.
Did you know that a dehydrated person's metabolism is significantly lower than a correctly hydrated person? Metabolism breaks down with age anyhow but is much worse in men and women who allow dehydration to continue each day. Think about your alcohol consumption, do you regularly exceed the safe amount of units. On this one, if you do like to visit the bar for a few drinks, consider drinking glasses of water during your night out.
If at times you feel run down and tired, you may be thinking the symptoms mean you are anemic. By all means, go see your doctor if symptoms of tiredness are accompanied by heavy palpitations and poor concentration. But if fatigue is plaguing you regularly, have you considered that it may just be dehydration that is causing the extreme bout of tiredness.
It's also easy to mistake thirst for hunger. Before hitting the chocolates and cookies, try drinking some water first. This can be a surprising revelation for many people used to hitting the snacks so easily.
Quick tips for you to follow.
  • Drink about 7 or 8 glasses of water each day. This does not include coffee or tea as caffeine will dehydrate the body. Drink less caffeine and more water.
  • Drink a glass of water prior to a meal, maybe with a multi vitamin supplement. After eating a hearty meal, you should not be hungry. There are plenty of guides outside the scope of this article on correct diets as a full meal should not leave you feeling like you can eat a gateau followed by a round of chocolate cookies... So, if this does relate to you, try a second glass of water instead.
  • Reduce the amount of salt in your diet. Salt speeds up water retention and your body needs to avoid that for fast weight loss.
  • Check canned foods for salt levels. Try to avoid too many foods with too much salt; a good diet will fill you up and satisfy you without being excessive on salt.

By drinking water each day as explained above, some regular exercise such as walking (you do not need to run miles every day...), plus a good diet, you will lose weight fast. Just stick to the basic rules of reducing salt, proper diet and drink water before and after a meal. Now that you can see how to lose weight drinking water, start today.

Microbiotic Diet - A Low Fat Way of Dieting

There are many diets to consider when you wish to change your eating habits, lifestyle, health, and weight.
George Ohsawa, who promoted that a simple lifestyle produced positive health benefits, created the microbiotic diet. The diet was comprised of ten restrictive steps, forcing the dieter to exhibit a great deal of self-control.
For example, the last stage of the microbiotic diet involves the dieter consuming only brown rice and water. Diet planners, due to its excessive restriction no longer suggest this first version of the microbiotic diet.
Well Being
The microbiotic diet appeals to some because it not only focuses on the physical well being of a dieter, but also deals with the spiritual and planetary aspects of health.
The microbiotic way of dieting is low in fat, as well as high in fibre. Vegetarians could easily follow this diet because the diet places emphasis on vegetables and whole grains.
The microbiotic diet calls for low amounts of sugar, dairy items, and meat.
Soy products
Soy products are also an integral part of the diet because they contain phytoestrogens, thought to have positive effects on cholesterol levels, menopause, as well as some types of cancers. This is why patients who are suffering from cancer or other chronic diseases have followed this strict regimen.
The phytoestrogens may also prove beneficial in the prevention of estrogen-related cancers like breast cancer. It is important not to confuse this healthy way of eating with a cure for serious medical conditions and diseases.
Whole Grains
When following the microbiotic diet, 50-60% of each meal will consist of whole grains, including brown rice, barley, millet, rye, corn and buckwheat. This diet allows an occasional meal with rolled oats, noodles, pasta, bread or baked products.
Each day, 1 to 2 bowls or cups of soup are required. It is suggested that a dieter choose shoyu or miso, which contains fermented soybeans.
Vegetables make up 25-30% of the daily food intake, where 1/3 of the vegetables should be eaten in their raw state. Boiling, steaming, baking or sautéing should prepare any other vegetable portions.
10% of the daily food intake should consist of cooked beans. Bean products such as tofu or tempeh can also be eaten.
Cooking Oil
The most common cooking oil used when preparing meals is dark sesame oil. Additional oils to consider include light sesame oil, corn oil, as well as mustard seed oil.
Natural sea salt, shoyu, brown rice vinegar, grated ginger root, fermented pickles, roasted sesame seeds and sliced scallions are some of the seasonings that can be used when adding flavor to foods.
When it comes to animal by-products while on the microbiotic diet, small amounts of fish or seafood are acceptable each week.
Dieters should stay away from eggs, dairy, meat, and poultry.
When eating fish or seafood, microbiotic dieters should consume horseradish, wasabi, ginger, or mustard in order to aid in the detoxification process against the effects of the seafood.
Other foods allowed while on the microbiotic diet include the moderate consumption of seeds or nuts, as well as desserts such as apples and dried food.
Dieters should not consume sugar, honey, molasses, chocolate, or carob.
Several times a week, the diet permits fruit such as pears, peaches, apricots, grapes, berries, and melons. Avoid tropical fruits, such as pineapples and mangoes.
The microbiotic diet can be tailored to fit individuals depending on their age, gender, health concerns, as well as climate and seasonal factors.
Side Effects
There are a few side effects associated with this diet. Certain nutrients are not absorbed into the body through this diet, such as protein, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, and calcium. This can affect a dieter by lowering their energy levels, as well as lead to health complications.
Some nutritionists frown upon this diet because they feel it is too restrictive.

How Many Calories Per Day Are Consumed on the NutriSystem Diet Plan?

I often get emails asking me to explain how many calories are consumed or taken in each day on NutriSystem.  I think that people ask this for a few reasons.  First, they want to make sure that the amount is not so low as to be dangerous.  Second, they want to know just how hungry they are going to be because they are afraid of feeling weak or light headed.  And, finally, they want to compare this with how many calories they normally take in on any typical day to guage how dramatic their results will be.  I will discuss all of these concerns in the following article.
The Range Of Daily Calories On The NutriSystem Diet:  First off, I need to reassure that this definitely does not fall into the category of a 'starvation" or overly restrictive diet where you need to be supervised by a doctor.  Such diets generally only allow around 800 or less calories per day.  Since you consume anywhere between 1200 -1500 calories per day on NutriSystem, you don't reach anywhere near those levels.
The amount varies slightly depending on which of the plan's means you chose throughout the day and which sides you add in at each meal.  You're given pretty self explanatory guidelines to ensure that you chose your sides correctly, although you do have a lot of leeway and control in this.
So we know that you'll be taking in a decent amount of calories, but what about your proteins, carbs, etc?  They are very careful to  keep the carb to protein ratio favorable because they want for you to be able to get into ketosis where you are steadily burning fat.  This is why which sides you add in become important.  It would be a shame to cancel out all of your diligence by adding in high carb or high calorie sides.
How Many Calories Do You Normally Take In?: Obviously, most people lose weight once they begin burning more calories than they take in.  Studies show that the average woman today takes in around 1850 calories.  So, taking the average of 1200 -1500 (1350), you'd be consuming around 500 less per day, which can really add up. One gram of fat equals about 9 calories so this can be significant. (By the way, the typical man today takes in 2600, so the difference is even more significant in this scenario.)
A lot of people will ask me if they are going to feel weak or light headed when they reduce the fuel that they are taking in.  My experience is that it's not as bad as you may have feared.  You are eating five times per day so there isn't any long period of time between meals.  You get three larger meals and a snack and a dessert and you are of course adding in your fresh sides.  Also, they do allow you to drink liquids (tea, coffee, water, diet soda) between the meals (so long as you're not consuming alcohol,) so this helps to break it up even more.

Tuna and Water Diet

Ready for a hardcore diet to get lean in a matter of days? This diet is used by professional bodybuilders to prepare before the competition. It requires an iron willpower but guarantees 100% results.
Here is how it works:
* Normally this diet is followed for 3 days.
* Take in 6 equal tuna servings. Once each 2.5 - 3 hours.
* Drink as much water as possible. At least 3-4 liters. Water fills your stomach and helps you not to feel hungry. There is no limit. Drink as much as you can.
* Take at least twice a day some vitamins. This is crucial since you won't get much vitamins from tuna during this diet.
* You will need at least 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your weight (aroung 3 gram per kilogram). Tuna's marvelous as it contains 26 gram protein per 100 gram tuna. Here are two handy formulas to calculate your tuna serving size:
For kilogram calculation: (bodyweight * 3 * 100) / (6 * 26) = bodyweight * 300 / 156 = 1 tuna serving (in gram)
For pound calculation: bodyweight * 100 / 156 or bodyweight * 150 / 156 = 1 tuna serving (in gram)
Don't think it is an easy task, but the harder the task, the greater the payoff. For beginners I suggest to start the diet on friday evening after the work and keep it for two days. The reason is that you cannot control the regular food intake very well during a workday as you work normally 4 hours (or more) non stop and get only one break to eat. Moerover, two days diet is not as hardcore as 3 or 4 days diet. I recommend this for all beginners. If you can keep this diet for two days without problems, wonderful, you can keep it for one or two days more.
Stay strong and be aware of forbidden foods. Your energy levels may fall in the first 1.5 days. You may feel very weak as never before. This is the time of your spirit to stay as hard as iron and keep the diet! Your body will soon adapt and the strength will come back.
Personally, I am doing this diet at the weekend every 2-3 weeks. It helps to burn the extra fat I may have gained during that period. It is a wonderful way to stay lean 365 days a year!

The Truth Behind the 3-Day Water Diet

In 2007, members of the weight-conscious sector of cyberspace were jolted by reports of a "revolutionary" diet plan that's so easy to implement yet so effective with its results. Its requirements were so simple on paper that a person can actually read about it one second and start pursuing it the next.
This diet plan is called the 3-day diet.
By its name alone, one can immediately surmise that the process will only take 3 days. This is exactly what many people want - an easy, convenient and FAST weight loss program.
The secret behind this 3-day diet can be summarized in one word: water.
Indeed, the 3-day diet requires the participant to take nothing but water for the duration of the plan. If she gets hungry, she shouldn't open the ref to look for snacks to munch on. If she gets thirsty, sodas will be a no-no. It's nothing but water for a period of 3 days.
Another "come on" for this 3-day diet, aside from the weight loss it promised, is the detoxifying effect of the same. By taking in nothing but water, the participant was expected to flush out all the unwanted and oftentimes perilous toxins that may have accumulated in her system.
Sounds very enticing, doesn't it?
But most websites promoting this 3-day diet didn't publish any medical disclaimers. The fact is, this 3-day diet isn't for everyone. People suffering from grave illnesses will just feel worse if they pursue this kind of diet. People recovering from operations - especially invasive ones - will only worsen their conditions if they will deprive themselves of reinvigorating food.
There is no doubt that this 3-day diet can detoxify one's system to a certain extent, but can it really help a person lose weight?
Experts agree that no, the 3-day water diet is not a viable nor a healthy option for weight loss. There are many dangers to starving one's self. Vitamin deficiency can lead to the breakdown of the muscular system as well as the development of blood sugar complications which may lead to diabetes. Replacing the body's much needed nutrients with water may also cause loose bowel movements that will not only provide much discomfort, but may lead to dehydration as well if the condition becomes severe.
Additionally, such can only worsen the situations of people already suffering from kidney and heart problems, as well as women who are pregnant or have just given birth, and compromise the wellbeing of children who are in their formative years.
The 3-day water diet may promise a quick solution to the problem of being overweight, but it is by no means a safe method. When it comes to losing weight, allegedly fast solutions should be taken with a grain of salt.
Make that a grain of wheat as it is richer in fat-burning fiber.